Military Veterans Advocacy® Rules
We Welcome you Aboard
You are encouraged to check out our file section on the tool bar above and our Rules Below. Also, we encourage you to join Military Veterans Advocacy® and a section of your choice between Bluewater Navy Vietnam Veterans Association™ (BWNVVA™), Agent Orange Survivors of Guam™ (AOSOG™) and Veterans of Southeast Asia™ (VOSEA™) or all of the sections and become a member of our organization. This will help work toward being a codified VSO Organization and will give us a seat at the table with the Department of Veterans Affairs, both houses of Congress and the House and Senate Veterans Affairs Committees. (HVAC & SVAC). That will allow us to fight harder for our and your benefits that we so justly earned for our service to our Country. We thank you for joining our Facebook pages of Bluewater Navy Vietnam Veterans Association, MVA Against Toxic Exposure, Agent Orange Survivors of Guam and Veterans of Southeast Asia. Please tell your friends, family and shipmates about us and encourage them to also join us. At this time, we need to make clear the “rules” we have adopted with our Facebook pages. Also, each group may have a set of rules that goes with their page also we ask that you follow them as well. Where any conflict may exists between MVA™-level rules and individual section page rules, the MVA™ rules take precedence.
1. Respect your fellow members. There will be times when members will disagree with each other and, that is not the problem. No name calling is allowed, however. We are all adults, so we know how to act.
2. No political posts of any. If in doubt ask an Admin..
3. No religious posts of any kind except with Admin approval.
4. No disrespecting Members of Congress (you need to respect the office), You don’t have to like the person but you have to have respect for the office.
5. No disrespecting the President (you need to respect the office).
6. Do not disrespect others on these Pages. You can disagree with other members but there will be no personal attacks.
7. On all Facebook Page associated and affiliated with MVA™, If one of the Admins remove one of your posts or remove you from the site you can file a appeal with Chief of Staff Mike Yates ( [email protected] ), He will review it and discuss with the with Tom Walden ( [email protected] ) Director of Social Media and the Section Director/Chief along with the Admin involved in the incident in question and make the ruling. If the MVA™ Board Chairman, MVA™ Executive Director, MVA™ Chief of Staff or MVA™ Secretary remove you or remove your post you can file an appeal with one of the other Directors or Admins.
8. No political or vulgar profile pictures of any kind will be tolerated on your profile that will be shown while you're on our pages.
9. There will be no Political discussion. We don’t care who you voted for, who you are voting for, or which party you belong to. Here, we are Veterans and that is what matters.
10.There will be no Profane, defamatory, offensive, or violent language.
11.There will be no “Trolling” or posting deliberately disruptive statements meant to hijack comment threads or throw discussions off-track.
12.There will be no Attacks on specific groups (not specified in # 1 or 2) or any comments meant to harass, threaten or abuse an individual.
13.There will be no Links or comments containing sexually explicit content material.
14.There will be no Discussion of illegal activity.
15.There will be no Spam, link baiting or files containing viruses that could damage the operation of other people’s computers or mobile devices.
16.There will be no stalking any individual to collect private information without disclosure.
17.There will be no commercial solicitations, promotion of another group without prior approval of an admin. Military-Veterans Advocacy® will solicit funds on all pages
18.There will be no violations of copyright or intellectual property rights.
19.There will be no posts that relate to confidential or proprietary business information.
20.Content determined to be inappropriate, in poor taste, or otherwise contrary to the purposes of the forum will be removed
21.There will be no fundraising without the approval of an admin except for Military-Veterans Advocacy®. Violating any of these rules can result in being blocked or muted on one or all of the Facebook Pages controlled by Military-Veterans Advocacy® or their approved sections. First offense will be a 3-day muted, the second offense will be a 7-day muted, and the third offense will be the removal from the Facebook Pages and possibly the organization. There will no refund of the paid dues without Board approval. A Board majority vote is required to remove a dues paying member from the pages or the organization for repetitive violations of the rules after three muting warnings. The Board has the right to refuse or remove anyone from the sites and membership without notice.
Here on the MVA™ affiliate pages, we need to have higher standards than other pages because of what we do. We do go to Washington DC and fight for you through legislation, litigation, and education. When we do go to Washington DC and take our fight to Congress for you and the members of MVA and associated Sections, we must have their respect to win benefits for you. We have a great reputation for being respectful. This has resulted in legislators and staff asking to meet with us. We need to act professionally, and we will enforce professionalism on these pages. * Chief of Staff Mike Yates has always said “The only one you can disrespect is Him,” It now includes all Section Directors Chiefs and their Page Admins. BUT beware we all have the power to remove you. So, if you disrespect one of us, you need to ask yourself are you willing to pay that price. Chairman of the Board MVA™ Commander John Wells Ret. USN
Vice Chairman of the Board, Sgt Maj Jim Kuiken, USMC retired
Executive Director of MVA Colonel Rob Maness Ret. USAF
Chief of Staff MVA Mike Yates / USN
Secretary MVA Michael Kvintus / USN
Director of Legislative Susie Belanger CG/USN
Director of Social Media Thomas (Tom) Walden /USN
Director of BWNVVA™ Commander Mike Yates / USN
Director of AOSOG™ Brian Moyer / USAF
Director of VOSEA™ William Rhodes /USMC
Director of Veterans of Panama Canal Zone™ Donna Tornoe
Director of At-Risk Veterans Brian O’Callaghan/USMC
Military-Veterans Advocacy®
Bluewater Navy Vietnam Veterans Association™ Board of Directors
Federal Employees: Please support Military-Veterans Advocacy® through the Combined Federal Campaign. Our CFC number is 59905, Amazon Shoppers: you can support Military-Veterans Advocacy® by going to "Amazon Smile" for your shopping. The prices are the same, but Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price to Military-Veterans Advocacy® Inc. Bookmark the link and support us every time you shop.
We Welcome you Aboard
You are encouraged to check out our file section on the tool bar above and our Rules Below. Also, we encourage you to join Military Veterans Advocacy® and a section of your choice between Bluewater Navy Vietnam Veterans Association™ (BWNVVA™), Agent Orange Survivors of Guam™ (AOSOG™) and Veterans of Southeast Asia™ (VOSEA™) or all of the sections and become a member of our organization. This will help work toward being a codified VSO Organization and will give us a seat at the table with the Department of Veterans Affairs, both houses of Congress and the House and Senate Veterans Affairs Committees. (HVAC & SVAC). That will allow us to fight harder for our and your benefits that we so justly earned for our service to our Country. We thank you for joining our Facebook pages of Bluewater Navy Vietnam Veterans Association, MVA Against Toxic Exposure, Agent Orange Survivors of Guam and Veterans of Southeast Asia. Please tell your friends, family and shipmates about us and encourage them to also join us. At this time, we need to make clear the “rules” we have adopted with our Facebook pages. Also, each group may have a set of rules that goes with their page also we ask that you follow them as well. Where any conflict may exists between MVA™-level rules and individual section page rules, the MVA™ rules take precedence.
1. Respect your fellow members. There will be times when members will disagree with each other and, that is not the problem. No name calling is allowed, however. We are all adults, so we know how to act.
2. No political posts of any. If in doubt ask an Admin..
3. No religious posts of any kind except with Admin approval.
4. No disrespecting Members of Congress (you need to respect the office), You don’t have to like the person but you have to have respect for the office.
5. No disrespecting the President (you need to respect the office).
6. Do not disrespect others on these Pages. You can disagree with other members but there will be no personal attacks.
7. On all Facebook Page associated and affiliated with MVA™, If one of the Admins remove one of your posts or remove you from the site you can file a appeal with Chief of Staff Mike Yates ( [email protected] ), He will review it and discuss with the with Tom Walden ( [email protected] ) Director of Social Media and the Section Director/Chief along with the Admin involved in the incident in question and make the ruling. If the MVA™ Board Chairman, MVA™ Executive Director, MVA™ Chief of Staff or MVA™ Secretary remove you or remove your post you can file an appeal with one of the other Directors or Admins.
8. No political or vulgar profile pictures of any kind will be tolerated on your profile that will be shown while you're on our pages.
9. There will be no Political discussion. We don’t care who you voted for, who you are voting for, or which party you belong to. Here, we are Veterans and that is what matters.
10.There will be no Profane, defamatory, offensive, or violent language.
11.There will be no “Trolling” or posting deliberately disruptive statements meant to hijack comment threads or throw discussions off-track.
12.There will be no Attacks on specific groups (not specified in # 1 or 2) or any comments meant to harass, threaten or abuse an individual.
13.There will be no Links or comments containing sexually explicit content material.
14.There will be no Discussion of illegal activity.
15.There will be no Spam, link baiting or files containing viruses that could damage the operation of other people’s computers or mobile devices.
16.There will be no stalking any individual to collect private information without disclosure.
17.There will be no commercial solicitations, promotion of another group without prior approval of an admin. Military-Veterans Advocacy® will solicit funds on all pages
18.There will be no violations of copyright or intellectual property rights.
19.There will be no posts that relate to confidential or proprietary business information.
20.Content determined to be inappropriate, in poor taste, or otherwise contrary to the purposes of the forum will be removed
21.There will be no fundraising without the approval of an admin except for Military-Veterans Advocacy®. Violating any of these rules can result in being blocked or muted on one or all of the Facebook Pages controlled by Military-Veterans Advocacy® or their approved sections. First offense will be a 3-day muted, the second offense will be a 7-day muted, and the third offense will be the removal from the Facebook Pages and possibly the organization. There will no refund of the paid dues without Board approval. A Board majority vote is required to remove a dues paying member from the pages or the organization for repetitive violations of the rules after three muting warnings. The Board has the right to refuse or remove anyone from the sites and membership without notice.
Here on the MVA™ affiliate pages, we need to have higher standards than other pages because of what we do. We do go to Washington DC and fight for you through legislation, litigation, and education. When we do go to Washington DC and take our fight to Congress for you and the members of MVA and associated Sections, we must have their respect to win benefits for you. We have a great reputation for being respectful. This has resulted in legislators and staff asking to meet with us. We need to act professionally, and we will enforce professionalism on these pages. * Chief of Staff Mike Yates has always said “The only one you can disrespect is Him,” It now includes all Section Directors Chiefs and their Page Admins. BUT beware we all have the power to remove you. So, if you disrespect one of us, you need to ask yourself are you willing to pay that price. Chairman of the Board MVA™ Commander John Wells Ret. USN
Vice Chairman of the Board, Sgt Maj Jim Kuiken, USMC retired
Executive Director of MVA Colonel Rob Maness Ret. USAF
Chief of Staff MVA Mike Yates / USN
Secretary MVA Michael Kvintus / USN
Director of Legislative Susie Belanger CG/USN
Director of Social Media Thomas (Tom) Walden /USN
Director of BWNVVA™ Commander Mike Yates / USN
Director of AOSOG™ Brian Moyer / USAF
Director of VOSEA™ William Rhodes /USMC
Director of Veterans of Panama Canal Zone™ Donna Tornoe
Director of At-Risk Veterans Brian O’Callaghan/USMC
Military-Veterans Advocacy®
Bluewater Navy Vietnam Veterans Association™ Board of Directors
Federal Employees: Please support Military-Veterans Advocacy® through the Combined Federal Campaign. Our CFC number is 59905, Amazon Shoppers: you can support Military-Veterans Advocacy® by going to "Amazon Smile" for your shopping. The prices are the same, but Amazon donates 0.5% of the purchase price to Military-Veterans Advocacy® Inc. Bookmark the link and support us every time you shop.