DOB 1/10/1945 DOD. 1/05/2011 SERVED FROM 04/01/1966 TO 04/01/1970 TIME IN AREA OF VIETNAM: JUNE 1968 TO OCTOBER 1968 TOTAL DAYS IN GULF OF TONKIN: 62 DAYS SERVED ON USS RAMSEY DEG2. Diabetes for over 30 years, total renal failure, heart attack. Tom Yates (My Bother) served on the USS Comstock, LSD-19 between 1960 and 1964. He was a MM2. Died of Malignant Mesothelioma
Born December 29, 1940 Died August 20, 2016 |
Roy C Douglas GSMC 20 year Navy Veteran
Dale L. Drenning died from the effects if Agent Orange. He had a heart attack at the age of 40. Within 6 months he was a type 2 diabetic which progressed to a type 1 diabetic within five years. He developed nuerapathy and was in severe pain. He could only walk less than ten minutes at a time. His diabetes ate the fat and muscle off if his body, he went from 165 lbs to 119 lbs. He could not do anything, he slept 16-18 hours a day because of pain meds.
10-10-1947 - 9-27-2015 Richard Smith served in the Navy as a PHC
Born 1943 Died 2002 |
Danie Weiss 11/22/1951 to 08/08/2016
David Gilmore, on July 28, 2019 from cancer. He served on the USS Southerland DD-743 1971 to 1974.
Earl Maggard
I’m so sad to report that my hubby passed away last Sunday morning from complications of Parkinson’s. Every day he would ask me for an update on his appeal. My heart is breaking that he never got to see his claim resolved after waiting 13 years. Don’t give up... keeping fighting! James Cloutier served in the US Navy
Born:1946 Died:2005 Comment Died from lung cancer |
This is a picture of my husband Jack aboard the US Constellation. He was assigned to the Reconnaissance Attachk (Heavy) Squadron ( RVAH-5.) He was on active duty from January 25, 1971 through January 24, 1975. He served aboard the USS Entertprise from July 11, 1971 through February 12, 1972; the USS Ranger from November 16, 1972 to June 23, 1973 and the US Constellation from June 21, 1974 to December 23, 1974. He was also in the Naval Reserve for 10 years. Deck Logs from the USS Ranger show it was less the 12^ on Decembwe 10, 11,12 and 13. Deck Logs show there was also a major fire on the ship on December 12th. Jack talked about this fire. There may have been other time he was less than 12^ but this is what I had so far found. (Thanks to the hard work of Ed Ball.) While Jack was in the Reserves he did his two week yearly training at Moffett Field, CA. Jack was a true gentlemen. A kind and wonderful husband, father & grandfather. He was hardworking and worked for over 40 years before his retirement. Unfortunately, he did not live to see his grandchildren grow up. He died on September 15, 2018 from Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer). This was 75 days from diagnoisis. The Cholangiocarcinoma Cancer Foundation states the risk factors for Vietnam Veterans are exposure to liver flukes and dioxin. It also states this cancer is asymptomatic and in most cases takes 30 to 40 years to develop. While this is a rare cancer in the United States (less than 8000 cases per year), it is not a rare cancer in Southeast Asia, with over 250,000 cases. The EPA has acknowedged Moffett Field is a toxic waste dump. Research shows that many of the chemical at this waste site are known carcinogens to humans.